MBSE remote Training with PRFC!
In this period of confinement and teleworking, the training activity is still relevant, and even more so!
PRFC offers you to carry out remotely all the MBSE training courses corresponding to the new Training Offer for 2020.
For sessions without tool manipulation, arranged under the categories:
- Seminar ‘Introduction’ in 1 day;
- Workshop ‘Through practice’ in 2 days;
We will continue to offer them on an inter-company basis, thanks to platforms like zoom or Teams.
Thus, the inter-company session of April 21 concerning the one-day training: MBSE with Arcadia is maintained and will be moderated remotely by Pascal Roques (in French).
Another session will be conducted in English on April 30 by Pascal Roques.
For intra-company sessions, we also offer to carry them out remotely via your preferred platform. Regarding the longer training sessions with tools on Capella and SysML with EA or CSM, they will be run in smaller groups, to ensure sufficient interactivity when handling modeling tools.
Intra-company scheduling can also be much more flexible, since we will plan with you a number of 3.5-hour sessions, not necessarily consecutive, depending on the needs of each client and the requirements of the participants
Do not hesitate to contact us to define together the most suitable modern training solution possible!
[ssba]PRFC Training Offer for 2020
PRFC training offer is reorganizing for 2020!
We of course still offer trainings on MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) around two main streams:
And we can organize training sessions either:
- In-House on customer site, on demand, with possibility of customization;
- In inter-companies in Toulouse and Paris, from the PRFC standard catalog;
- Remotely, through platforms like zoom ou Teams.
Our new trainings are progressive, according to your objectives:
- Seminar ‘Introduction’ in 1 day: presentation of MBSE with commented examples
- Workshop ‘Through practice’ in 2 days: use of a modeling language on a paper case study
- Hands-on workshop ‘In action with the tool …’ in 3 or 4 days: use of a modeling language on a case study with a modeling tool
The PRFC website will be progressively updated, with new training sheets, and we will soon be offering inter-company sessions in Toulouse and Paris!
In the meantime, here is already the declination of the offer on both streams:

Update of the Clock Radio Capella Model (start)
During my SysML trainings, I have been using for several years now a simple example of a system: the Clock Radio. This is even the main example of my SysML introductory book in French, published by Eyrolles in 2013.
As part of the Clarity project, it seemed natural to do the same exercise with Capella using the Arcadia approach and concepts. I published in 2015 a first version of the model (with Capella 1.0) where I concentrated on the System Analysis level, trying to illustrate the main types of diagrams, but also ensuring the traceability with the operational need expressed in Operational Analysis. Then a second version of the model, with the Logical Architecture level. And finally a third version of the model with the Physical Architecture level and a small example of Viewpoint: Basic Price.
It was high time to update this model, trying to illustrate the new features provided by Capella 1.2.1 and now Capella 1.3.
The first version of the new model is downloadable here. It mainly contains the System Analysis level, because the operational need is very simple 😉 You will find examples of SMCB, SAB, SCDB, SES, SMSM, with several variations of each.
The progressive construction of the model is presented in a small explanatory document. The model and its companion document will be progressively completed with a Logical Architecture level, a Physical Architecture level, then the use of the Requirements add-on and of Property Values …
An example of Exchange Scenario Diagram that was not possible before Capella 1.2.1 is given below. This is a scenario showing how two instances of the same User actor can interact with the Clock Radio.
An expanded MBSE training offer for 2018!
- MBSE with XX training contains 66% theory and 33% group reflection on a case study (without tool)
- YY in Action training contains instead 75% of practice (with a modeling tool) and 25% of theory illustrated with examples
MBSE with XX training is a strongly recommended prerequisite of the corresponding training YY in Action.
This new scheme will enable to gradually enrich the offer with new modules, such as:
PRFC was at ERTS 2018
I had the pleasure of attending last week the 9th ERTS2 conférence.
This big event around ‘Embedded Real Time Software & Systems’ takes place every 2 years in Toulouse. This year there were more than 300 registrants from a very large number of companies, with a particular focus on the automotive industry and mainly the autonomous vehicle. Exciting keynotes from Renault and Airbus on the subject …
I took part in the presentations by co-animating with Benoit Viaud (Artal) a session on MBSE entitled Capella to SysML Bridge: a Tooled-up Methodology for MBSE Interoperability with work done within the framework of the Clarity project, and of course I was not far from the Capella stand!