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This is (more or less) back to school ! 🙂

And it starts strong with the MODELS conference to be held this year in the Center of Munich from September 15 to 20, with a very attractive program.

Last year, we were in Copenhagen in October, with already a program less academic than in previous years, in particular:

This year, there will be an entire day dedicated to Capella, organized by Obeo and Thales, on September 16: the Capella Day Munich 2019!

It will be a unique opportunity to meet industrial users (Framatome, RATP, etc.), tool vendors (Siemens PLM Software, Artal, pure-systems, the Reuse Company, etc.), as well as the best experts on the subject: not to miss…

Germany is increasingly involved in the MBSE since the previous Capella Day had already taken place in Stuttgart in March 2018.

And there will also be two industrial days, the first dedicated to the automotive sector (Germany requires …), the second more general.

PRFC will of course give you a detailed account of the highlights of this conference: stay tuned!


Happy New Year 2019!

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PRFC wishes you the best for 2019, with the implementation of an effective MBSapproach!

Let us do a quick review of 2018 from our side.

2019 seems to start on the same basis with already several Arcadia / Capella courses scheduled on customer site in France, Germany and the United Kingdom …

02 Jan 2019

PRFC was at the MODELS 2018 conference in Copenhagen

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PRFC had the pleasure of participating once again in the annual MODELS conference (cf. St Malo in 2016) organized this year in the beautiful city of Copenhagen.

20 years already that the first edition, called UML’98, was held in Mulhouse, organized by Pierre-Alain Muller!

To note the significantly more important part of industrial participants than in the past, which is a very good sign for a conference on modeling!

I was mostly interested in the Model-Based Systems Engineering Meeting and in the Industry Day.

The MBSE Meeting started with a very interesting keynote of Ed Seidewitz: SysML v2 and MBSE: The next ten years, Basically the main problem of SysML is its direct filiation with UML… Room for Arcadia/Capella:-)

Then we had a large number of industrial presentations on the MBSE Adoption Challenges:



The next day, a lot of people in the big Amphi for The Industry Day with some well-known presenters:

As always, diverse and rewarding encounters and an appointment made in September next year at Munich for MODELS 2019!    

30 Oct 2018

CapellaDay 2018 in Stuttgart

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PRFC is proud to have been among the speakers of the first Capella Day in Germany!

This One-day conference on the open MBSE solution Capella took place in Stuttgart, more precisely at Thales premises in Ditzingen, on Tuesday 13th March 2018. It attracted more than 60 participants from various companies, mostly from Germany.

The program gathered both Thales gurus Stéphane Bonnet (Capella Design Authority) and Jean-Luc Voirin (Arcadia father and book author), as well as end-users in ArianeGroup and Thales Deutschland, and tools & service providers (Obeo, Artal, pure::systems and PRFC). The Eclipse Foundation was also present to promote the Capella Industry Consortium

The slides I presented: Guide to Arcadia and Capella successful adoption are available here.


16 Mar 2018

PRFC was at ERTS 2018

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I had the pleasure of attending last week the 9th ERTS2 conférence.

This big event around ‘Embedded Real Time Software & Systems’ takes place every 2 years in Toulouse. This year there were more than 300 registrants from a very large number of companies, with a particular focus on the automotive industry and mainly the autonomous vehicle. Exciting keynotes from Renault and Airbus on the subject …

I took part in the presentations by co-animating with Benoit Viaud (Artal) a session on MBSE entitled Capella to SysML Bridge: a Tooled-up Methodology for MBSE Interoperability with work done within the framework of the Clarity project, and of course I was not far from the Capella stand!

06 Feb 2018

Eclipse Day Milano

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End of September, I had the pleasure to take part to the Italian Eclipse Conference which was hosted by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan.

A rich schedule for one day, as there were two parallel sessions from 10h to 17h15, after the Keynote on the Eclipse Working Groups.

It was the occasion to meet again participants of the French June EclipseCon, namely Gaël Blondelle  (Eclipse Foundation) and Oliver Prouvost (OPCoach) from Toulouse, but also  Lorenzo Bettini and Patrik Suzzi. Maxime Porhel (Obeo) was also there to present All about UX in Sirius. On my side, I did a general presentation of Capella: Capella: the Polarsys solution for MBSE.

The slides of my presentation are available there : Slides (pdf).

01 Nov 2017