First “Capella in Action” public session for 2021 is full!
The first public inter-company ‘Capella 5.0 in action‘ training in English is scheduled over 2 consecutive weeks: 2021 February 17-18, then 24-25.
Please note that this session is now complete.

2020: Review of such a special year …
Who would have believed it ? Some figures:
- 2018: 21 professional air trips, 87 nights at the hotel
- 2019: 17 professional air trips, 57 nights at the hotel
- 2020: 3 professional air trips, 7 nights at the hotel
We had to adapt to this health crisis which banned face-to-face training for 3/4 of the year, and it is probably not over …
From March, the entire PRFC offer gradually switched to ‘remote‘, with the discovery and then the appropriation of many tools such as the Zoom and Teams platforms, but also Socrative, Mentimeter, etc. And also the creation of a MBSE Youtube Channel!
And it works ! I who did not believe in it only 12 months ago, I led more than a dozen remote MBSE training courses, i.e. around 40 days, with very satisfied participants, including some in Sweden, Germany, and even in Australia!
And finally the connections at the airport, the evenings alone at the hotel, I don’t miss all that that much 😉 The planet seems to be quite okay too …
We will therefore continue to work remotely at the start of 2021, both for training activities, but also for consultancy.
And for the first quarter of 2021, we are going to innovate by proposing to split the inter-company training ‘Capella 5.0 in action‘ into 2 times 2 days over 2 consecutive weeks: February 17-18, then 24-25.
PRFC wishes you in any case a very happy new year 2021, with the realization of both your professional and personal aspirations…
[ssba]Last 2020 Public Capella Training Session in English
The last ‘Capella in Action‘ public training session in English for 2020 will take place from December 15 to 18: 8 sessions of 3.5 hours (9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. GMT; 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. GMT+2) from Tuesday to Friday, through the Zoom platform.
And for those who follow the PRFC YouTube Channel, we have added a new video about the Capella Blank Diagram basics… Do not hesitate to subscribe in order to be informed each time a new video is uploaded!
The first English Capella public session took place in August with 4 people from Sweden, Texas, and France. The feedback was very good! 🙂

Summer Remote Session of “Capella in Action”!
If you don’t speak French, or do not want to travel to Toulouse ;-), but you still wish to get trained on Arcadia/Capella, a remote session in English is scheduled from August 18 to 21. It will consist of 7 sessions of 3,5 hours (9:30-13:00; 14:00 -17:30) from Tuesday to Friday morning, through the zoom platform. But take care, there are already only 2 places left …
We take this opportunity to offer a discounted summer rate: €1,990 instead of €2,390 for the complete training. Note: the second registrant from the same company benefits from an even lower price at €1,690 instead of €1,990.
Update of the Clock Radio Capella Model (start)
During my SysML trainings, I have been using for several years now a simple example of a system: the Clock Radio. This is even the main example of my SysML introductory book in French, published by Eyrolles in 2013.
As part of the Clarity project, it seemed natural to do the same exercise with Capella using the Arcadia approach and concepts. I published in 2015 a first version of the model (with Capella 1.0) where I concentrated on the System Analysis level, trying to illustrate the main types of diagrams, but also ensuring the traceability with the operational need expressed in Operational Analysis. Then a second version of the model, with the Logical Architecture level. And finally a third version of the model with the Physical Architecture level and a small example of Viewpoint: Basic Price.
It was high time to update this model, trying to illustrate the new features provided by Capella 1.2.1 and now Capella 1.3.
The first version of the new model is downloadable here. It mainly contains the System Analysis level, because the operational need is very simple 😉 You will find examples of SMCB, SAB, SCDB, SES, SMSM, with several variations of each.
The progressive construction of the model is presented in a small explanatory document. The model and its companion document will be progressively completed with a Logical Architecture level, a Physical Architecture level, then the use of the Requirements add-on and of Property Values …
An example of Exchange Scenario Diagram that was not possible before Capella 1.2.1 is given below. This is a scenario showing how two instances of the same User actor can interact with the Clock Radio.
An expanded MBSE training offer for 2018!
- MBSE with XX training contains 66% theory and 33% group reflection on a case study (without tool)
- YY in Action training contains instead 75% of practice (with a modeling tool) and 25% of theory illustrated with examples
MBSE with XX training is a strongly recommended prerequisite of the corresponding training YY in Action.
This new scheme will enable to gradually enrich the offer with new modules, such as:
First Capella Training in China!

First Capella Training in China!
I had the pleasure of facilitating the first Capella training in China last week!
The session took place in Nanjing (historic city of 8 million inhabitants, 300 km from Shanghai …) in Glaway Soft, for the Systems Engineering team. Luckily for me, there was air conditioning everywhere, the temperature being around 40°C during the day and 30°C during the night all week long …

At Glaway Soft in Nanjing
Two people from this company had already started a pilot project with Capella at the beginning of the year and the objective of the training was both to consolidate their first experience but also to train other system or software engineers coming from Shanghai, Nanjing and Chengdu.
It was particularly impressive to do the review of a Capella model with the names of functions and components in ideograms at the end of the training session and to see the interface of the Capella tool in Chinese, translated by Glaway Soft.
There is enormous potential there, as you can imagine, and I am confident that many projects will start quickly in China with Capella …
To be continued!