A new training course: “Capella Reader”!
I regularly get requests for Capella trainings that would be shorter than the standard curriculum, for people who will not directly work with the tool on the creation of models, but rather as readers of diagrams made by others.
This may be the case for a client working with a contractor that uses Capella, who wishes to understand well diagrams of both Operational and System Analysis levels which are provided to him/her, in order to collaborate efficiently with the contractor. Or the case of a project leader whose architects and system engineers use Capella on a daily basis, and who must validate diagrams done on the project at all Arcadia levels. Or for a specialty engineer who must understand and leverage Physical Architecture diagrams and maybe Logical ones too.
If you are in one of these cases, this new 2-day training is made for you!
Standard content is possibly ajustable according to Arcadia levels concerned and the types of diagrams you’ll need to master.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any special needs and we’ll forward you a customized offer…
[ssba]CapellaDay 2018 in Stuttgart
PRFC is proud to have been among the speakers of the first Capella Day in Germany!
This One-day conference on the open MBSE solution Capella took place in Stuttgart, more precisely at Thales premises in Ditzingen, on Tuesday 13th March 2018. It attracted more than 60 participants from various companies, mostly from Germany.
The program gathered both Thales gurus Stéphane Bonnet (Capella Design Authority) and Jean-Luc Voirin (Arcadia father and book author), as well as end-users in ArianeGroup and Thales Deutschland, and tools & service providers (Obeo, Artal, pure::systems and PRFC). The Eclipse Foundation was also present to promote the Capella Industry Consortium…
The slides I presented: Guide to Arcadia and Capella successful adoption are available here.
An expanded MBSE training offer for 2018!
- MBSE with XX training contains 66% theory and 33% group reflection on a case study (without tool)
- YY in Action training contains instead 75% of practice (with a modeling tool) and 25% of theory illustrated with examples
MBSE with XX training is a strongly recommended prerequisite of the corresponding training YY in Action.
This new scheme will enable to gradually enrich the offer with new modules, such as:
PRFC was at ERTS 2018
I had the pleasure of attending last week the 9th ERTS2 conférence.
This big event around ‘Embedded Real Time Software & Systems’ takes place every 2 years in Toulouse. This year there were more than 300 registrants from a very large number of companies, with a particular focus on the automotive industry and mainly the autonomous vehicle. Exciting keynotes from Renault and Airbus on the subject …
I took part in the presentations by co-animating with Benoit Viaud (Artal) a session on MBSE entitled Capella to SysML Bridge: a Tooled-up Methodology for MBSE Interoperability with work done within the framework of the Clarity project, and of course I was not far from the Capella stand!
Books on Arcadia and Capella are available!
I have the pleasure to inform you that the long-awaited reference books on the Arcadia method and the Capella MBSE solution are now available from Elsevier / Iste:
- Model-based System and Architecture Engineering with the Arcadia Method, by Jean-Luc Voirin (Thales)
- Jean-Luc Voirin is Systems Technical Director at Thales. A software and system architect, he has worked for 15 years on modeling methods and tools. He is the author of the Arcadia method for model-based system engineering, and is also a coach for deployment of the method.
- The table of contents can be downloaded here
- Systems Architecture Modeling with the Arcadia Method – A Practical Guide to Capella, by Pascal Roques (PRFC)
- Pascal Roques is a Senior Consultant who has been modeling for more than 25 years in various industrial domains, with SADT, OMT and UML, and is now focusing on Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML and Arcadia/Capella.
- The table of contents can be downloaded here
They both belong to a new set called: Implementation of Model Based System Engineering, in which you can also find a new book on SysML.
PRFC is now Participant Member of the Capella Industry Consortium!
Since September, PRFC has joined the brand new Capella Industry Consortium, under the Polarsys project of the Eclipse Foundation,
whose mission is to host the Capella ecosystem stakeholders in a vendor neutral way with an open governance:
- companies developing complex systems and softwares
- suppliers providing offers on the top of Capella
- academics with a MBSE topic for research need
The goals of the Capella IC are summed up by the following figure: At the moment, members of the Capella IC are:
If you want to take part in the Capella ecosystem from the inside, become a member of Capella IC!
[ssba]Eclipse Day Milano
End of September, I had the pleasure to take part to the Italian Eclipse Conference which was hosted by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan.
A rich schedule for one day, as there were two parallel sessions from 10h to 17h15, after the Keynote on the Eclipse Working Groups.
It was the occasion to meet again participants of the French June EclipseCon, namely Gaël Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation) and Oliver Prouvost (OPCoach) from Toulouse, but also Lorenzo Bettini and Patrik Suzzi. Maxime Porhel (Obeo) was also there to present All about UX in Sirius. On my side, I did a general presentation of Capella: Capella: the Polarsys solution for MBSE.
The slides of my presentation are available there : Slides (pdf).
[ssba]First Capella Training in China!

First Capella Training in China!
I had the pleasure of facilitating the first Capella training in China last week!
The session took place in Nanjing (historic city of 8 million inhabitants, 300 km from Shanghai …) in Glaway Soft, for the Systems Engineering team. Luckily for me, there was air conditioning everywhere, the temperature being around 40°C during the day and 30°C during the night all week long …

At Glaway Soft in Nanjing
Two people from this company had already started a pilot project with Capella at the beginning of the year and the objective of the training was both to consolidate their first experience but also to train other system or software engineers coming from Shanghai, Nanjing and Chengdu.
It was particularly impressive to do the review of a Capella model with the names of functions and components in ideograms at the end of the training session and to see the interface of the Capella tool in Chinese, translated by Glaway Soft.
There is enormous potential there, as you can imagine, and I am confident that many projects will start quickly in China with Capella …
To be continued!