16 Mar 2018

CapellaDay 2018 in Stuttgart

PRFC is proud to have been among the speakers of the first Capella Day in Germany!

This One-day conference on the open MBSE solution Capella took place in Stuttgart, more precisely at Thales premises in Ditzingen, on Tuesday 13th March 2018. It attracted more than 60 participants from various companies, mostly from Germany.

The program gathered both Thales gurus Stéphane Bonnet (Capella Design Authority) and Jean-Luc Voirin (Arcadia father and book author), as well as end-users in ArianeGroup and Thales Deutschland, and tools & service providers (Obeo, Artal, pure::systems and PRFC). The Eclipse Foundation was also present to promote the Capella Industry Consortium

The slides I presented: Guide to Arcadia and Capella successful adoption are available here.

